Robo-umps continued: Applying computer vision to the job of calling balls and strikes

Back in 2015, I attended one of two historic professional baseball game between the San Rafael Pacifics and the Vallejo Admirals in which balls and strikes were determined by the advanced, multi-camera system called PitchF/X instead of a human umpire. I wrote about the game in a post and, every now and then, I’m intrigued to see headlines about potentially replacing or assisting home plate umpires with these challenging calls.

Fangraphs’s Roger Cheng published a two-part series in October 2018 on applying machine learning techniques to ball/strike calls. I look forward to reading the articles and I’ll write about them ASAP. My first reaction is that I don’t know what there is to “teach” when the PitchF/X approach has unambigously the information needed. That said, I’ll reserve judgment until I finish the articles.